TMJ Dentist in Hurlstone Park

Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders can cause significant discomfort and impact your daily life. If you’re in Hurlstone Park, Sydney, we offer specialized care for TMJ issues.

What is TMJ Disorder?

TMJ disorder affects the jaw joint, causing pain, clicking sounds, and difficulty in movement. Common symptoms include jaw pain, headaches, and earaches.

Our TMJ Services

Located in Hurlstone Park, we provide:

  • Diagnosis: Thorough examination and imaging to identify TMJ issues.

  • Treatment: Customized treatment plans, including physical therapy, splints, and, if necessary, surgery.

  • Follow-Up Care: Regular check-ups to monitor progress and adjust treatments.

Serving Surrounding Suburbs

Our clinic also serves surrounding suburbs such as Marrickville, Ashfield, and Canterbury, ensuring comprehensive TMJ care for the broader community.

If you’re suffering from TMJ disorder, our clinic offers the expertise and care you need. Call (02) 9558 8988 Or email us at to make an appointment. Our doctor with over 25 years of clinical experience will be happy to help you.