
Dentistry Sedation

According to Australasian Medical Journal (AMJ), Sedation is for a patient who is anxious about the dental visit and without the use of sedation their dental health may be neglected.

Types of Sedation for dentistry:

  • Minimal Sedation or nitrous oxide sedation: Patient is provided nitrous oxide gas also known as laughing gas which combines with oxygen through a mask over their nose. Since it’s a minimal sedation so it wears off quickly as the mask is removed. It is used for short term surgery and when a patient is given this sedation they are allowed to drive back home once the surgery is completed.

  • Oral sedation: Oral sedation usually depends upon dose which range in between or minimal and moderate sedation. Patient are still conscious but under sedative maintaining their cardiorespiratory function. It is provided as a pill which is usually Halcion from Valium drug family. The dose of this sedation varies accordingly weight, situation and circumstance of patient.

  • IV sedation: It stands for Intravenous Sedation which is a process of keeping patient under the influence of a sedative drug to perform dental process. IV sedation help those people and dentist to make patient surgery pain free. It comes under sleep dentistry which help in pain control by sedating patient. IV sedation can be called as anesthesia care or twilight sedation and is used for minor surgery. It makes patient sleepy and is used for painful and lengthy procedure. It is given through injection and depending upon the procedure dosage are increased.

  • General Anesthesia: For Complete loss of patient consciousness general anesthesia is given where the patient can’t hear, feel or remember anything. It is used for lengthy operation and the patient can only be awake when the effect wears off.

  • Local anesthesia: It is used for numbness of specific part of a body which prevents pain during the surgical procedure. It is used for minor surgery.

Who needs sedation?

  1. Patient with highly sensitive teeth

  2. Patient with bad gag reflex

  3. Patient who has a large amount of dental work need to be completed

  4. Patient with pain threshold.

Sedation will have a side effect that varies with different individual.

Can We use Sedation for children?

Sedation Can be used for children who need a procedure which requires children to sit or lay still for a longer period. Since sedation helps children to be calm and relaxed and the dentist can easily perform the surgery required.

Sleep Dentistry Cost

Sleep Dentistry is not much costly as people think usually in Major clinics it starts from 600 AUD and according to the conditions it can vary. Pain free Dentist Sydney located at hurlstone park provides the best price for Sleep Dentistry in Sydney.