Pain Free Cosmetic Services



Platelet-rich Plasma (PRP) Treatment

Also known as the “vampire facial,” platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has received so much attention that it may seem as if we’ve finally found the fountain of youth.

If you’re considering getting a vampire facelift, here’s what you should know.

What exactly is PRP?

We all have platelets in our blood. PRP is 3-step procedure that involves having your blood:

  1. Drawn from your arm

  2. Placed into a machine that separates the platelets from the rest of your blood

  3. Re-injected into you (only the part of your blood that contains a high concentration of platelets).

In dermatology/cosmetic industry, PRP is being tested as a possible treatment for hair loss, speeding up wound healing or to give patients younger-looking skin.

If you have PRP to treat signs of aging on your skin, here’s what to expect:

  1. Blood drawn: You would have a small amount of blood (about 2 to 4 tablespoons) drawn from your arm.

  2. Blood taken to lab: The test tube containing your blood would be placed in a medical device called a centrifuge, which separates your blood into layers. One of these layers contains a high concentration of platelets.

  3. Blood injected: We inject the blood that contains a high concentration of platelets into your face or scalp, using a syringe or microneedling (device that looks like a lint roller with tiny needles sticking out of it).

The entire procedure takes about 45 minutes to one hour.

While PRP may sound like something straight out of a science-fiction novel, some patients are finding that PRP can:

  • Reduce wrinkles

  • Plump up sagging skin

  • Get rid of deep creases

  • Improve one’s complexion

  • Diminish acne scars

  • Naturally promote hair growth

Another perk: There’s little to no downtime.


The procedure is generally safe. You may have a bit of pain, bruising, and swelling afterwards. These tend to go away within a few days.


If you get results, the full effects appear within a few weeks to months.

How many PRP injections do you need?

Researchers have found that most patients who get results have 3 or more treatments. That means, you’d have 3 or more sessions of having your blood drawn, treated, and injected back into you.

Who can have PRP rejuvenation?

While PRP is considered safe for most people, it’s not recommended for anyone who has one of the following medical conditions:

  • Hepatitis C

  • HIV or AIDS

  • Any type of blood cancer

  • Cardiovascular disease, which requires taking a blood thinner

  • Skin cancer in the area to be treated

These conditions affect your platelets, making them unable to deliver the expected results.

How long do the results last?

Results can last as long as 18 months.



Ever wondered if it was possible to achieve a higher, straighter and more defined nose without surgery? Well, with the HIKO Nose Thread Lift procedure, achieving a Song Hye Kyo nose (deemed to be the most perfect nose by Koreans!) through a non-surgical nose enhancement procedure has been made possible, and done by the end of our lunch break.

How does HIKO Nose works?

HIKO Nose thread lifts work by a two-pronged mechanism:
Firstly, individual short (3.8cm to 7cm) threads are inserted into the nasal bridge or columella.
Secondly, the threads have little barbs along their length. The threads will stimulate natural collagen production by your own tissues as they dissolve.
The threads act as a support to give your nose a good contour, shape, and height immediately.
This non-surgical, minimally invasive process reshapes the nose to the patient's desired height, shape, and definition.
Depending on your desired result, our doctor will assess and customize the number of threads to be used.

Why HIKO Nose and what are the benefits?

Compared to nose fillers, HIKO Nose thread lifts can last up to two years, giving it a more long-lasting option.
Unlike fillers, HIKO Nose thread lifts do not shift or spread over time and the risk of causing complications like ulcers and infections that lead to granulomas like rhinoplasty is minimal when performed correctly by experienced clinicians like ours. As the nose threads dissolve, it can help to stimulate collagen production so that the nose still looks naturally defined.

HIKO Nose helps achieve:

  • Straighter contoured definition.

  • Higher nose bridge.

  • Lifter nose tip.

  • Sharper nose tip.

  • Slimmer, more elegant nose.


After the procedure, there may be some localised swelling and redness that will wear off within one to two hours. Occasionally, injection marks may remain prominent for two to three days, of which may be concealed with makeup. Other than that, there is no downtime and patients may resume daily activities immediately after the procedure.




Thread lift is a cosmetic procedure that offers a minimally invasive alternative to facelift surgery.

Thread lifts claim to tighten your skin by inserting medical-grade thread material into your face and then “pulling” your skin up by tightening the thread.

Also called a barbed suture lift, it aims to lift and sculpt the shape of your face or breasts. Thread lifts use temporary, medical-grade suture material to “stitch-up” your skin so that it’s drawn taut.

The typical candidate for a thread lift is in their late 30s to early 50s. A person who is generally in good health and is just starting to notice the signs of aging may benefit the most from the subtle impact of a thread lift.

Those who can’t have a surgical facelift because of medical conditions that make general anesthesia risky may consider a thread lift as a safer alternative.


The thread lift procedure works in two ways.

The first is fairly straightforward. By threading thin, dissolvable sutures underneath your skin, your doctor is able to pull your skin tight around your forehead, neck, or torso.

Invisible, painless “barbs” grab on to your skin and make sure that the thread grips your underlying tissue and muscles as the thread is pulled tight.

Once a barbed thread is inserted, your body’s healing response is triggered. Even though you’re not injured by the threads under your skin, your body detects a suture material and stimulates collagen production in the affected area. Collagen can fill gaps in sagging skin and restore a more youthful elasticity to your face.


The procedure for thread lift may be slightly different depending on the area you’re targeting as well as your provider’s preferences. The basic technique is usually the same.

  1. You’ll be asked to recline in the room where your procedure is being performed. Alcohol, as well as topical anesthetic, will be applied to your skin as it’s prepped for surgery.

  2. A thin needle or cannula will be used to insert the threads underneath your skin. Inserting the threads can take 30 to 45 minutes.

  3. After the threads are inserted, the method of insertion will be removed. You may feel light pressure or tightening under your skin.

  4. Within a few minutes of the needles being taken out, your procedure will be complete and you’ll be free to go home or back to work.

Targeted areas for a thread lift

Many people choose a thread lift for facial areas that “sag” or look less tight over time. These areas include:

  • jowls and jawline

  • brow line

  • under-eye area

  • forehead

  • cheeks

Are there any risks or side effects?

A thread lift is considered a low-risk procedure with minimal recovery time, but there are side effects and a risk of complications.

After a thread lift, it’s not uncommon to experience the following:

  • bruising

  • swelling

  • bleeding

  • slight pain at the site of the thread injection


Recovery after a successful thread lift is quite minimal. While there may be some visible swelling and bruising, you can go back to work right away if you’d like.

Results should be apparent right after the threads are put into place, but you may notice more in the days and weeks right after they are inserted, as swelling and bruising starts to subside.

Results from a thread lift aren’t meant to be permanent. Successful effects typically last from 1 to 3 years. Like other dissolvable dermal fillers, such as Botox, the threads used in the procedure will eventually be absorbed by the tissue underneath your skin.

After a thread lift, you can resume your normal routine. You may be advised not to rub your face vigorously and to avoid sleeping on your side in the initial weeks following the procedure.