IV Sedation vs General Anesthesia
There are many ways to relieve the pain of a patient and feel as comfortable as possible during a procedure. The most common is dental IV sedation (also known as Intravenous sedation) and general anesthesia, but which is the best option for your procedure?
IV Sedation vs General Anesthesia
What is it and what does it feel like?
IV sedation dentistry is a powerful anesthesia that can put you into a state of relaxation, typically to the point where there is no recollection of your operation as you would fall asleep. This is especially helpful if you are uncomfortable under the surgical chair.
Dental IV sedation consists of a substance called benzodiazepines. This is a drug class of Midazolam that reduces anxiety, makes patients sleepy, and experience slight amnesia.
General anesthesia is not as strong as dental IV sedation as it puts your body in a state of numbness where you are unable to move. It is possible to fall asleep under general anesthesia depending on your condition. The doctor may need to administer more sedation for you to fall asleep if required. Common post-op effects of general anesthesia are shivering and feeling cold for a few minutes to a few hours. Some report confusion and memory loss, however, this may vary depending on your physical health.
General anesthesia consists of a variety of common drugs such as barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and opioids.
IV sedation dentistry
Where is it used?
Dental practices commonly use IV sedation to relieve the patient’s pain and anxiety, whereas general anesthesia is more commonly used in hospitals for operations such as hip replacement or heart surgery.
Use IV sedation to relieve pain and anxiety
How long will it last?
General anesthesia and IV sedation will last as long as it is required for your procedure, but the period during which the post-op effects last will depend. After your operation under IV sedation, you may feel drowsy and a chaperone may be required to take you home. This effect is estimated to last approximately 12 hours and will fully wear off after 24 hours. General anesthesia can last as short as 1-2 hours or as long as 24 hours.
It is important to note that the dose of anesthesia will vary depending on your operation. If you are undergoing a large procedure a heavier dose of anesthesia may be required, thus a longer post-op effect and vice-versa.
General anesthesia and IV sedation
IV sedation for wisdom teeth
Wisdom tooth extraction is one of the most painful procedures in dentistry. To relieve the patient of this pain, the use of IV sedation will be perfect. The common effect of ‘twilight sleep’ from IV sedation, is that you are not really unconscious but not as aware regarding your surroundings will allow you to have your procedure done quickly and painlessly.
IV sedation for wisdom teeth
Advantages and disadvantages
IV Sedation:
More potent.
More likely to fall asleep.
Comfortable experience.
Easily adjustable dose of sedation.
Longer post-op effects.
General Anesthesia:
Shorter post-op effects.
Used in various procedures.
Might not fall asleep or wake up in the middle of surgery.
IV Sedation vs. General Anesthesia
Which option is best for me?
Many agree that IV sedation dentistry is a safer option than general anesthesia as it is more potent and the post-op effects can be easily handled. The type of anesthetic used for your procedure will vary but it is up to your professional medical practitioner to decide which will be best for your operation.
At Pain-Free Dentist Sydney, Dr. Lisa will conduct a detailed exam before your procedure. We offer numbing gel and IV sedation for large procedures due to the many benefits that it offers. By doing so, you would not feel the anesthetic needle and the operation itself to ensure that it really is painless.
Looking for a Dentist in Sydney?
If you wish to consult about your dental or any cosmetic concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on 9558 8988. Alternatively, you can reach us via our email info@painfreedentistsydney.com.au.